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Pierre Bastien // Mercredi 31 mai 2017

À l’occasion des 25 ans du planétarium du 23 mai au 3 juin 2017, le musicien Pierre Bastien sera en concert à l’Espace Mendès France le mercredi 31 mai 2017.










Novia 391 : new album release with Eduard Atalba and album launch Feb 11th in Barcelona

Saturday 11th of February will be launched in Barcelona the release of the first collaboration of Pierre Bastien with Barcelonese bass player Eduard Atalba, with the collaboration of vibraphonist Aldo Aranda for the concert release at Convent de Sant Agusti (20h30, free entry). Named after Francis Picabia and his dadaist 391 magazine released for the first time in Barcelona 25th of January 1917, this collaboration has for name Novia 391 and sees Pierre Bastien on trumpet and Eduard Atalba on bass. The record is released on Eli GrasLa Olla Expréss, and the cover design is by Antoine Lafayette | Infos on the show | Facebook event | Recent interview of Pierre Bastien for Clubbing in Spain (Spanish) | Recent interview of Pierre Bastien for Town Feeling (Spanish) 


Return of Motus, the collaboration with Emmanuelle Parrenin, in Fontevraud, France

After a creation residency in Fontevraud’s Abbey back in 2014, Pierre Bastien and French folk’s icon Emmauelle Parrenin return to the premises for a new development of the collaboration and a show March 18th | More info on Motus and streaming link


Mecanoid and Quiet Motors in Bourgoin-Jallieu in March for Electrochoc festival

From March 25th to 31st, Pierre Bastien will present at Les Abattoirs in Bourgoin-Jallieu France, for the 12th edition of Electrochoc festival of electronic musics and digital arts his  installation Mecanoid along his most recent live performance Quiet motors on Sunday March 26th | More info on the program (French) | Video Mecanoid | Video Quiet Motors | Installations page


Quiet motors at Automatons’ museum in Esquelbecq and at the Museum of Angers

In April, Quiet Motors, the solo live performance of Pierre Bastien, will make two stops in French museums, first in Escquelbecq near Lille at the Automatons’ Museum for a daytime show Saturday 1st April (along concerts of The Legendary Pink Dots and Jonas Bering), and in Angers, at the City Museum on April 6th, along performances of PRISM, Deaflovers, Alexinho, L’Arsenic Fanfare and Balalajki, on an invitation of Chabada and in collaboration with Angers’ university. Both concerts are free entry ! More info on both shows soon


Pierre Bastien confirmed at Tomorrow festival at B10 in Shenzhen, China and available for other Asian shows

Pierre Bastien has just been confirmed at Tomorrow festival happening at B10 in Shenzhen, China, for a performance May 18th after the appearances of FaUSt and Keiji Haino last year there. Pierre Bastien will travel with his Quiet motors live set, for his first solo live performance in China. We’re looking at other shows in Asia in the period while he’s in the zone : don’t hesitate to get in touch ! Booking contact | Tomorrow festival


Quiet motors also to be performed in Poitiers for the 25th anniversary of the Planetarium

Wednesday May 31st, Pierre Bastien will present for the first time Quiet motors in Poitiers for the 25th anniversary of the Planetarium which already programmed more than 150 artists over six years, under its 4000 stars. For its anniversary, the Mendes France space will also welcome meetings and other talks around astronomy and space, but not only, with several guests | More info on the program


Paper Orchestra presented at Klangraum in Krems, Austria for Glatt&Verkehrt and HerbstZeitlos festivals

Returning to Krems, Austria, after his participation to Donaufestival 2016, Pierre Bastien will present in Klangraum his installation Paper orchestra from July 1st to 30th (opening Friday June 30th), and from September 28th to October 1st for the festivals Glatt&Verkehrt et HerbstZeitlos, on an invitation of Jo Aichinger | Informations on the Klangraum program | Video Paper Orchestra | Paper Orchestra in The Quietus | Installations page


Mecanium’s installation presented at LAAC Dunkerque for “Musiques à voir

Mecanium’s installation from Pierre Bastien will be exhibited from July 1st to September 17th at LAAC, Lieu d’Art et action contemporaine, in Dunkerque France, for “Musiques à voir”, an exhibition curated by Jean-Yves Bosseur on historic links between music and visual arts. The mechanical orchestra of Pierre Bastien will be presented along 150 pieces or scores of Vassily Kandinsky, Arnold Schoenberg, Iannis Xenakis, Robert Motherwell, Pierre Alechinsky, John Cage, Jean Tinguely, Yves Klein, Fluxus‘ group, Paul Panhuysen… | Infos | Vidéo of Mecanium | Installations page


Tourdates and installations

11.02.2017 – ES – Barcelona — Convent Sant Agusti
(Novia 391 w/ Eduard Altaba + Aldo Aramba)
18.03.2017 – FR – Fontevraud – Abbaye (Motus w/ Emmanuelle Parrenin)
25.03.2017 – FR – Bourgoin-Jallieu – Festival Electrochoc / Les Abattoirs
(Installation Mecanoid > 31.03)
26.03.2017 – FR – Bourgoin-Jallieu – Festival Electrochoc / Les Abattoirs (Quiet motors)
01.04.2017 – FR – Escquelbecq – Festival Musique au musée / Musée des Automates
(Quiet motors)
06.04.2017 – FR – Angers – Musée d’Angers (Quiet motors)
18.05.2017 – CN – Shenzhen – Tomorrow festival / B10 (Quiet motors)
31.05.2017 – FR – Poitiers – Planetarium (Quiet motors)
01.07.2017 – FR – Dunkerque – Musiques à voir / LAAC (installation Mecanium > 17.09)
01.07.2017 – AT – Krems – Glatt&Verkehrt / Klangraum (Installation Paper orchestra > 30.07)
10.09.2017 – BE – Eupen – Meakusma festival / Ikob museum (Quiet motors)
28.09.2017 – AT – Krems – HerbstZeitlos / Klangraum (Installation Paper orchestra > 01.10)


Worldwide agent : marie@julietippex.com
In collaboration with Wakeupandream, Born Music and
Front Porch productions, Tea Soza and Jérémie Gnaedig
Pictures credits : “Novia 391”, cover design by Antoine Lafayette, release by La Olla Expréss, 2016
and « Paper orchestra » by Anne-Laure Chamboissier


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